My new (well HSV derrived) spark table was fine, no knock retard at all, so I merged a little more hardcore Corvette table in. I got a tiny bit of knock, but only at 4000, that was with some WOT runs, so that was cool, basically at Max Torque, where apparently its good to run more fuel. Fuel at that point should be sitting at about 12.8, maybe I should drop it to 12.5.
There is a discussion on forum about more timing and more fuel vs less timing and less fuel, the consensus for performance appears to be that slightly leaner with less timing is good. So Ill pull some timing for now and see how we go.
Just as a reminder of how far Ive come I found this henous old VE error lable, using LTFT readings. I guess its not a million miles out, but its certainly all over the place. Rich down low and lean up high. I think if I have smoothed it out heavily and worked on it, it would have come right... Which in fact it did with some assistance.

I was commanding 14.63 and STFT was trimming nicely yesterday but as I have my LC-1 in as NB02 the signal isnt quite 100% the same, it tracks closely, but in the end one bank was reading like 6% different than the other. I thought this might not be good as they might be fighting against each other especially if the LC-1 was switching at the wrong point. So Im back to a non commanded 14.7 running soley off the VE table. Now getting that to track acutal is much more of a challenge. STFT were running an average of 2% out, so things arnt that far out. Each time I adjust 1% it swings the other way, so I think I might mess with IAT modifier or something else other than the VE table.
The car runs like a psycho now, light throttle causes nice acceleration which starts peaking a little over 4000rpm, it still pulls to the red line, but its not really worth it as the fun is done. My new cam Im sure will address this minor issue. Then the tune can start all over again!
So now Ive just got a little more playing around with the timing then most things will be right on. I dropped my idle to 625 the stock HSV is 640, so the timing must speed up low rpm operations and allow a much reduced idle. Tordne's idle was 900, so I suspect he can find more power in his spark table. He has said as much as he is now running a modified Corvette table.
The joys of not having a dyno to create a properly mapped spark table. Perhaps once I get the cam in I will pay for some dyno time to dial in a good spark map.
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