Saturday, December 16, 2006

More bloody stuff to learn

An interesting past couple of days.

Especially the 2hrs of dyno time which I learnt a lot on. Like my "street" timing sucked. Anywhere from 10-0* out. Varying all over the place. The bottom half is now tuned but soft tyres and overheading dyno's put paid to a full tune. Driving it now I can definately notice an improved bottom end. So am looking forward to doing the whole map.

Im going to fit my Fast90/90 though as it takes so long to tune I might as well put all my mods on and get AFR correct then do timing on the dyno. I was only 65rwhp off a 7L Z06 corvette this time, hopefully with the fast and full tuning that will come down to under 50.

Anyway Id always wondered why you want IAC counts low when intalling cam's opening throttle stops and drilling the blade. Daniel at Chipmaster came up with the goods again. Makes perfect sence. Basically keeping them low, say 40 means if we move them to 4 counts to 44 we have made a 10% change. Whereas at 100 counts a move of 4 is only 4%. That means its easier for the PCM to control the idle when the counts are lower. I guess it depends on cam size and how much it needs to move. I think Id use RAF tuning to get idle sorted and see if its still controllable. If not get the drill out.

My Wideband wasn't reading properly recently. Looked dead, so thats bad. Im going to have to try and sort that out. So tuning will be delayed until I sort out the wideband and get the Fast intake installed. Hopefully this can be done over Christmas.

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