Monday, July 10, 2006

Exhaust upgrade, the installation

Well today was pipe replacement time. Noise is much the same at idle, though gets fairly loud as rpm increases, no drone though. Im not sure how restrictive the current resonators and muffler is but things have changed for the better anyway.
Basically I had to pull timing at 2000rpm but now I can put it all back in. This may indicate that the smaller exhaust was optimising things around 2000rpm, whereas now its up at 4000rpm. The car definately seems to rev freer and my logging with the wideband has indicated at high map points that up to 5% more fuel is required. I need to fill in the map to get a good idea, but lower map points look much the same, its just the higher ones which need more fuel.
My timing table is out now, so I have started again with a combination table of a stock hsv gts and my previous table. It will take a good few sessions of logging and adjusting to get an idea of where things are now, however I did a WOT pull to 6300 and am still only making 0.82g/cyl or 300g/sec of air. By way of contrast the stock MAF max's out at 511g/sec intake KPa was 99 from a barometric of 101, so intake looks good.

Other than a full replacement exhaust and a Fast90/90 setup, which will both cost megabucks, Im done with the mods. Did a 0-60 to test today, but zero traction in 1st. So will try again another time. Still not thinking about a 402 stroker!


Marcin said...

hey, post a graph of MAP vs RPM, I wanna see if you have a dropoff by high RPM or not, i'm trying to figure out what causes it.

Anonymous said...

What an exciting experience!/Hilarious! Delightful! True!/wonderful stuff! thank you!

Custom Exhausts