I was lazy today and didnt take a picture, this is another earlier model holden with the same Yella Terra 1.8:1 rockers. I left the stock springs in for now as the stock cam will remain and stock RPM limit.
I had the rockers left over from a previous transaction so as they say "waste not, want not".
In pulling off the plug leads one disintegrated, not good. I tried to get another from the local Vauxhall dealer but "Is that the 2L turbo" response to my request for a VXR8 plug lead wasnt promising.. it didnt get any better, so I tripped off to Halfords and bought an 8mm Coil Lead and reconnected the old connections to it. It seems to work fine, so hopefully that will hold until I get a proper replacement.
Anyway after reading some other posts on the installation, like this one (where the pic above comes from) http://www.ls1.com.au/forum/showthread.php?t=83194 I suspected I might need to relieve the rocker cover. A fireup to check clearances validated this as there was a bit of knocking going on under the covers.
Basically there is a baffle underneath the covers which is rivetted on, some of these pins/rivets are too long and catch the rockers. They need grinding down flatter. I used a dremel.
In addition a couple of the coil pack bolt bosses were being nicked by the rocker tips. Again some dremel action on the bosses sorted that out.
So finally with no knocking and things all quiet again I went for a drive, all was well and it seemed that there was a little more power. But I will log airflow and fueling and see if that is the case or not.
Also as a side note an owner with a supercharged vxr8 posted 440fwhp, or 385rwhp. (ie) Hardly anything gained, 25bhp! total rubbish. Cam only would beat that easy! I dont think any UK tuner does a proper supercharged setup, Ill attend the next dyno day and see what else turns up :)